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Vertical Correction for 617 ?

Title: Seitz Roundshot Super 35 for sale on Ebay.
Hello Pan Shooters...
  Does anyone know how to shoot DOWN on large groups of people with a 617 camera? Is there a camera that will do the job without making the group have wide angle weird effect distortion ? 
    I mostly shoot the Roundshot 70mm for the group shots and have no problem shooting down with that camera. I thought that perhaps if I bought a 617 style of camera I would be able to shoot smaller groups or perhaps shoot the groups not good for the Roundshot due to area configuration problems. I know lots of you will tell me about the V-Pan which has the front standard tilt movement, but isn't it the rear standard that needs to tilt for the vertical correction? Without it the walls will swing out and the pillars will lean out also along with the people on both ends of the picture.   What do I do?
George S. Pearl
Atlanta Panorama