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Re: P for P...roblems!!!

  • From: Alan Zinn <azinn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: P for P...roblems!!!
  • Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 15:21:52 -0500

At 12:36 AM 12/19/1999 +0000, you wrote:
>Did you notice that every panoramist has problem with there camera.  No 
>matter if the camera is good, bad, ugly, nice, electronically advanced, 
>handbuilted and so on.
>Everybody as a story about banding.  What causes banding? "The slit" 
>somebody told me. The slit? OK. But i'm sure there is more than that. Why 
>does the slit causes banding?  Is the slit manufacturer the common cause of 
>all panoramist headaches?
>Could the film manufacturers one of the cause of banding?
>Should they get seriously involve in the panoramic business? Are they about 
>I'm a "Handbuilted" panoramist(17 to 135 mm focal lenght, 16 to 70 mm 
>  Thanks for all your mail and tips.
>As a matter of fact i'm always looking for advice, ideas, products or others 
>to improve my handbuilted prototypes, my knowledge and also my social life.
>If you do have any suggestions please do.
>Daniel Larin
>Bravo M. Gildas Le Lostec. Merci pour votre site et vos images.
>Get Your Private, Free Email at


Any one of a legion of mechanical impediments associated with moving lens or
moving film cameras will cause banding. My approach is to keep the mechanics
as simple as possible. Even if that means a design compromise such as not
having the rotation about the lens node. I use no gears, no motors, and lots
of bearings. The most common compromise is to keep the slit away from the
focal plane. One of the most irritating causes of banding with 35mm film is
the sprockets rubbing on the felts as they exit the cassette. Un-sprocketed
35mm film allows the slit to be nearer to the FP and/smaller. 

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