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RE: Roundshot Scanning

  • From: Alan Zinn <azinn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Roundshot Scanning
  • Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 20:36:14 -0400

At 10:00 AM 8/21/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>I thought 35mm film are of same width. Some pano frames may be longer than
>others. But
>you can always scan in sections and put them together.  A little bit of
>extra work with
>in-expensive 35mm scanners can give you quality that can only be matched by
>more expensive than an Imacon.
>I have many scans done by Imacon Flextight II, Duoscan T2500. Compared to my
>own scans
>by my Artix 4000t, Imacon scans did not always look better. When I send one
>of my slides 
>of the Sydney Olympic Stadium to a lab to be drum scanned, the operator put
>it on an
>Imacon. The quick Imacon scan came back worse than my own Artix scan.
>Shadows of the 
>stadium could only be resolved by a drum.


I use non-perf 35mm negative film and sometimes the pictures are several
rotations and can't be cut.  This leaves me with but one choice - a flat
bed. I would like to own a higher rez scanner but anything over $1500 -
$2000 is too much. I'm not a pro image maker. I have had very good results
with the Umax PLIII at 1200 dpi for negs as long as I keep the print size
within reason. It probably isn't as satisfactory with transparencies.  I
think future flat beds will improve a lot.


New b/w street pans 8/8/00
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