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RE: The times sure have changed, fast!

  • From: David Hibbeln <dhibbeln@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: The times sure have changed, fast!
  • Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 09:57:56 -0500


Years ago, when the air was clean, the internet did not exist, and neither
did PC's I learned in an art class, that what you drew depended on your
tools. If you drew with a compass, you would have perfect circles, if you
used your hand, it would not be a "perfect" circle, even tho everybody would
realize it.

I learned the what you produced depended on what you use, how YOU (the
unique person that YOU are) understood that tool and how you used it.

Many moons ago, I taught photo classes. My second excerise was to take
camera, draw with chalk two foot prints and ask the class to stand in the
foot prints and take a picture. NEVER, NEVER did I get a contact sheet back
that had 36 or 12 or 24 of the SAME image. Each was unique.

It is silly to discuss bad or good. Each method and person produces a unique
image. Each technique has its advanages.

Me, I personally prefer the images I made when I did duagereotypes (yes I
really did do it, fuming mercury and all) or ambrotypes. I also prefer the
colors of dye transfer, but try to make one today....

Yet I am in awe of what digital does. It has its place along with good old
silver on paper.

Lets, just enjoy the darn things....

       (@ @)            David R. Hibbeln   h 973-728-0192  w 201-487-7744
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-----Original Message-----
From: simonwide [mailto:simonwide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 4:56 PM
To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: The times sure have changed, fast!

and simonwid adds:  EXACTLY! 
SegalPan@xxxxxxx wrote: 
Dear G.L.L., 
I'm sorry you feel that way about panoramic photography. 
It's quite obvious you don't know or understand the variety of 
panoramics in demand within the industry. 
Digital pans can supply only a very small part of the needs. 
I suggest you return and learn, unless you expect 
to spend the rest of your life in front of a computer 
screen stitching and reviewing static low res panos. 
Mark Segal