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Times they are a changing

  • From: CharlesofSC@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Times they are a changing
  • Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 21:25:26 -0500 (EST)

   I just got back from a very large used photo equipment/ darkroom etc
show/sale in Omaha ( don't laugh, Omaha has officially be named by census as
a Megaplex - that's over a million people ).

    Last year I was down there and there was maybe one or two enlargers for
sale in the whole show, and this year there must have been one on  every

    The meaning/explanation was the people are going out of their darkrooms,
and into their lightrooms. Digital is certain to take the place of most/not
all of what we lump as photography. Not everyone has or will have a camera,
but most all printing will be done on digital printers soon, very soon.

    It is an exciting time, and I for one (at 74) am looking forward to the

    Now, if someone could tell me where to find the guy (or lady) that has
the program that will let the Epson printers  print beyond 44," I would
certainly appreciate it!
