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S3D Re: 3-DVG Initiation Model II units for sale

  • From: Bruce Springsteen <phantoboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: S3D Re: 3-DVG Initiation Model II units for sale
  • Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 22:18:44 -0700

The answer is yes.

At the risk of branding myself as the guy who sees invisible things, I can
tell you that I *have* experienced strong depth sensations in single black
& white images, not just color ones, using viewing methods learned from
Ken Dunkley - and in spite of his own earlier suggestions that this was
not possible.  I don't know what my experience means, frankly.  But if you
don't mind experimenting with your visual perceptions, I can tell you that
I have enjoyed my results with this 3-DVG stuff - whether they are
self-delusions or some not yet fully tested ability of the brain to
construct strong depth models from input that is binocular, while not
stereoscopic.  My hunch is the latter explanation will be validated
eventually.  A lot of sober, skeptical people have reported seeing
something worth investigation here, and there are some plausible theories,
so don't write it off.  It's also good harmless fun, if you take Ken's
enthusiastic sales hyperbole with a grain of salt.

It's essentially subjective reporting that documents this effect (unlike
the objective random dot stereogram tests for true stereopsis), so try it
on yourselves and see if *you* think it's delusion or illusion or what. 
The initiation models aren't too expensive, or you can track down the
"Stereo World" article on 3-DVG and follow the instructions there for
free, with your own home-made viewing aid.  Then you will at least have an
opinion based on trial experience, the next time this subject is debated
on P3D, as it inevitably will be!

Bruce Springsteen

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