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S3D Goodbye sell-3d!

  • From: "Dr. George A. Themelis" <DrT-3d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: S3D Goodbye sell-3d!
  • Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 05:10:37 -0700

--- shab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> This major change will undoubtedly affect 1000 people used to
> see messages sent from Calcite. It's both a happy and a sad 
> note. On this occasion, perhaps a brief history by you, of the
> original list might be appropriate.

I am sure Bob is too busy... so here is the brief history,
courtesy of DrT (for more, see:


Originally the list was called "3D - Stereo Photography" and was
run by a fellow, Tom Neff, who used his home computer to serve
the 50-100 subscribers. In November of 1992 the list was moved
to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, administered by
John Bercovitz while in 1994 it was moved to East Texas State
University under the administration of professor of Computer
Science, Bob Wier. In 1997 Bob took the list with him to his
next employment post at Rocky Mountain College of Billings,
Montana, where it resides today.

Today "photo-3d" has about 1000 members. Only a small fraction
of these members (maybe 100) post messages (many of the rest,
known as "lurkers", only read the messages) while only a few
dozen members post on a regular basis. 

I joined photo-3d in 1994 and immediately became a regular
contributor. In 1997 I volunteered to be a moderator, helping
with the list subscriptions. In photo-3d I am known as "DrT", a
nickname given to me by photo-3d list members.

In 1996 the photo-3d list was split into 3 lists in order to
reduce the volume and encourage growth in other areas. The 3d
lists operating today are:

- photo-3d, for general discussions on stereo photography. 
- sell-3d, for buying/selling stereo equipment. 
- tech-3d, for technical discussions. 
- sd-3d, for computer-related stereo discussions. 

Photo-3d continues to have the largest number of subscribers and
volume of traffic.

What subjects are discussed in photo-3d? There are news, facts,
opinions, arguments, basic questions (and answers), interesting
tips, etc., on all aspects of stereoscopic photography from
antique stereo view cards to modern computer 3d. On any
particular day a certain topic might dominate the discussions.
This is known as a "thread". Threads change as new questions or
issues are brought up for discussion. The list operates 24 hours
a day (non-stop). Some people elect to receive the messages as
they are posted but most receive them in "digest" form. 


I'll miss you sell-3d!!!!

George Themelis,