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[sell-3d] FS: Betty "Blue" - newest 2x2x2 fine art nude slide set

  • From: boris@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [sell-3d] FS: Betty "Blue" - newest 2x2x2 fine art nude slide set
  • Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 13:50:22 -0400 (EDT)

Last week I shot an excellent session with Betty, the results of which
prompt another sale.  This set I will call Betty's "Blue" set, as all the
slides feature the color blue.  I really like these images and want to
bring sets of these slides to Mesa, as they are my best images yet of
Betty, possibly of anyone!:

These three previews are of slides actually in the set, scanned straight
off the originals.  The slides are a little dark for the scanner, I fear -
the scans do not show the full tonality of the slides.  Please remember
also that these are very low res. images compared to the full frame color
slides in the set, and that I cannot control for color on your computer
monitor, so who knows how well the color, contrast, and tonality match?
Use the previews as an indicator of pose and overall lighting and color.

This set represents new experimentation on three fronts.
1. I used color in my lighting.  This is a significant departure from my
usual approach.  I don't consider myself very good with color, but I am
cautiously getting into it now.
2. I used baby oil on the skin of the model.  This not only adds more fun
to the session (and who needs that?!), but visually amplifies the texture
of the skin.  It makes Betty look as HOT as she really is!
3. I am also experimenting with space control lately, and a few of these
slides are shot slightly hyper (even the vertical ones).  (I hear gasps
from the audience!  Boris only shoots ortho!!  Doesn't he?!)  I think it
looks interesting, and can enhance certain anatomical features.

This is a "pre-production" sale.  The price right now is $40 for the set of
ten stereo slides.  You must hurry with your order!  I will take orders for
one week, then produce the dupes in early June.  I expect to have orders
shipped out by late June, or if you prefer will bring your set to Mesa
(then you can save the $5 shipping and handling charge).

Please help me with your order, which will subsidize production of
additional sets that I will take to Mesa.  (In Mesa I will offer the set at
$60.)  Please do not delay your order!


$40 for a set of 10 2x2x2 fine art nude stereoviews of Betty "Blue."

$10 for a decent quality 2x2x2 35mm full frame stereo pair viewer.
             Ugly and homemade, similar to the "pinsharp"...

$5 for shipping & handling ( U.S. Priority Mail within the U.S.).
            (Shipping method outside of the continental U.S. negotiable.)

Please reply OFF - List.   Thank you,


P.S.  For those of you unfamiliar with my nudes work, I direct you to my
nekkid pitchers page:  Almost
all of my nudes are photographed in vertical format, on full frame 35mm
film with 50mm lenses, using a normal stereobase, for a large orthoscopic
view in an inexpensive 50mm f.l. 2x2x2 viewer.  "It's just like being

- Science is the part of culture that rubs against the world.
-                                     Stanislaw Lem, _His Master's Voice_

Boris Starosta                        boris@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Stereoscopic Art & 3-D Photography
usa - 804 979 3930          

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