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[sell-3d] Nishika N8000 !

  • From: markaren@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [sell-3d] Nishika N8000 !
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:41:23 -0400 (EDT)

The Nishika N8000 is a great starter camera. Or use it as a " high risk-
low loss" backup for those experimental shots and dangerous situations
like rafting, skydiving etc. :-) I use the outer two 1/2 frame images
with RBT 4p mounts for nice stereo pairs. I bought the camera "broke"
and it still works great " broke" so what's the problem? The film door
latch is broken. I use a small piece of electrical tape to close the
door, then insert the camera into the camera case ( base piece) which
offers additional security and pressure to hold the door closed. I have
never experienced a light leak, nor any problems related to the broken
latch or other.  The camera works fine! I'll also include two Nishika
brochures that feature a sample lenticular image, These brochures were
very nicely made, however the lenticular images show discoloration where
adhesive was used to secure the print to the brochure. 
$27 includes shipping! 
                                             Mark Dottle

Nishika is not to be confused with Yashica nor Eureka, although it's
been alledged that 2 of these 3 suck. :-) I assure you the cameras are
worth every penny asked. :-)

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