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T3D Phanto-cam Lens system

  • From: Larry Berlin <lberlin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: T3D Phanto-cam Lens system
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:18:05 -0700

Hi folks,

Some of you may have read about the phanto camera on the SD-3D list. It
requires a lens and aperture system optimized for off axis imagery. The
intended view angle should center on 45 degrees. A special aperture is
probably necessary that would operate off axis preferentially.

The basic requirement of the camera is a parallel film plane and lens plane.
The primary interest is the view as far off axis as is practical to achieve
by lensed optics.

The other choice is to use pinholes.

The view camera lens is better than a standard camera lens, but probably
doesn't have as wide a view as desireable for the phantogram effect. Or at
least restricts the range of views possible.

Could lens designing software illustrate a possible solution for a lens
optimized for this situation? Anyone have access to software that could do
this? Thanks.

Larry Berlin

Email: lberlin@xxxxxxxxx


End of TECH-3D Digest 478