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Noblex Warranty

  • From: Austin Lindsey <alindsey@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Noblex Warranty
  • Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:15:13 -0600

Here is my take on this warranty flap:  Remember we are talking about
cameras needing repair, this means "broke."  This story may be fiction
but which part?

1.  All Noblex cameras come off the same production line but are given
different serial numbers.

2.  Noblex wants to make sales (ergo profit).  So, to meet a quota, they
deeply discount a batch of cameras to an independent buyer who then
sells them on the cheap (and makes a profit). Noblex was thereby able to
keep its production line going and its employees working.  This discount
buyer sold them for less than the "Authorized price" thus the
"Authorized dealer" who, by the way, was probably making a killing, was
cut out. This started with Noblex, not the risk taker who helped Noblex
unload its production stock.  One might also observe that if the
"Authorized dealer" had been selling enough cameras, there wouldn't have
been cameras around to discount.

3.  Next, in order to cover those discounted cameras, Noblex says to the
world, sotto voce, "we wish to keep our dealers happy so we will not
warranty any cameras we sell discounted, only cameras sold through our
over priced authorized dealers and only in the country where they were
sold just in case some one might move."

4.  Supporting as few cameras as possible adds to their bottom line
number. Noblex lives only by selling, hopefully, high and spending
hopefully, low.  It's basic business.

5.  Since Noblex has created and stirred this pot, what does a camera
user do about it?  Simple, do business with a company whose ethics match

7.  Oh yes, I don't have a Noblex but I wouldn't mind having one that
NEVER NEEDED REPAIR.  Does Noblex warranty cameras that Santa delivers? 
Is Santa an "authorized dealer?"  If so, must it be returned to the
North Pole and does FedEx deliver there year round?

Merry Christmas to All,

Austin Lindsey