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S3D FS Old Photo Magazines

  • From: Tom Martin <tlmartin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: S3D FS Old Photo Magazines
  • Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 20:10:07 -0600

I have few duplicate early 50ís photo magazines that I need to clear out
(can hardly get into my home office any more). The magazines are listed
by date. If a name appears right behind the date, that is the author of
a regularly appearing stereo photography column. I have also included
the names of stereo items that I saw in advertisements and in Whatís New
articles. I didnít include stereo items listed in large store ads (to
numerous to mention). I also have included the names of a few general
photography articles that caught my eye. Most of the magazines include
numerous nudes and figure studies, but you will have to buy them to find
out which ones. ;^)

As always, shipping is extra.

11/52 ñ General photo articles: Shoot Your Hometown Game (Homecoming in
the 50ís), 3D ads: Iloca Stereo II, Brumberger, Realist, TDC,
Stereo-Tach. $4

Fawcett Crest How-To-Books
1958 ñ 35mm Handbook, A nice review on the rare Russian Astra Stereo
Camera. $8

Popular Photography
1/44 - No 3D items that I could find, but a lot of war (WWII) related
topics and ads. Nice historical piece. $3
1/50 ñ A lot of nice period photos in this one, 3D ads: Realist,
Stereo-Tach. $4
6/52 ñ 3D ads: Realist, Lentic Stereo Camera, View-Master, Bolex,
Nega-File, Stereo-Tach. $4
9/52 ñ 3D ads: Realist, Bolex View-Master, Iloca. $4
4/53 - Robert McIntyre, article on the Hollywood Stereoscopic Society
with pictures of the members, 3D ads: TDC Vivid, Realist, Stereo-Tach,
Spiratone, Enteco Filters, View-Master, grandview. $8
9/54 - Robert McIntyre, 3D ads: Kodak viewer, TDC, Stereo-Tach, Realist,
Challenger, Kentech 3D Slide Bar, Irving Klaw ad with Betty Page. $4
12/54 - Robert McIntyre, 3D ads: Realist, TDC, Kodak, Nega-File, Nord,
3D Stereo Club. $6
1/55 - Robert McIntyre, 3D ads: Realist, TDC, Nord, View-Master, Victor
projector. $4
1/56 ñ 3D ads: Stereo Graphic, Spiratone, Redufocus, Realist,  TDC,
Airequipt, Kodak. $4
4/56 ñ General photo article: 50 Glamour Tips, 3D ads: Edixa, TDC,
Wollensak. $4

Modern Photography
1/50 - General photo articles: The Medalist II, My Camera in the
Yosemite Valley by Ansel Adams, How to Build a Slave Flash, 3D ads:
View-Master, M.G. Manlick (3D art study with viewer). $4
3/50 - General photo articles: Nudes by Natural Light, A Closer Look for
Your Camera (macro), 3D ads: TDC. (missing front and back covers) $2
4/50 - General photo articles: Golf Bag Studio, picture of Lou Costello
taking sound on film movies of Christmas morning, picture of Red Skelton
with a press camera, 3D ads: Montgomery Ward Photo Catalog (Realist set
on cover), TDC. $4
7/50 ñ General photo articles: Bikini Suits by Peter Gowland, Night
Photography, Make Your Own Shutter Checker, 3D ads: Realist, Hollywood
models. $4
8/50 ñ General photo articles: The Ansco Craftsman (kit camera from
Ansco), Swings and Tilts (large format), 3D ads: Brumberger, Girl of the
Month. $4
9/50 - General photo articles: How to Wash a Cat for Pictures, Make-up
for Portraits, Karsh and Eisenstaedt Portrait Techniques, 3D ads:
Brumberger. (water damage) $2
11/50 - Darkroom Issue: several articles on darkrooms, 3D ads: TDC,
Stereo-Tach. (water damage) $2
2/52 - General photo articles: Strobeís the Thing; 8 Pros Tell Why They
Turned to Strobe (good photos), Max Desfor; How a Pulitzer Prize Winner
Gets That Way, 3D ads: Realist, Brumberger, Bush. $4
4/52 - General photo articles: How to make lenses from milk bottles,
Nudes in simple light (amateur vs. Pro), 3D ads: Realist, Videon,
Brunberger. $4
6/53 ñ Bart Brooks, 3D ads: Realist, TDC, Bolex, View-Master, COC Flash,
Tiffen, Pocket Stereoscope, Tach-Lite, Stereo-Tach, Stereomart, Holson
Binders. $7
9/53 ñ Bart Brooks, 3D ads: View-Master, Bolex, Elgeet, Iloca, Lampco.
12/53 ñ 3D ads: Realist, Moller Stereo Viewer, Coronet, Revere, TDC,
Coronet, Revere, Bolex, Stereo-Tach, View-Master. $5
2/54 ñ Norman Rothschild, Articles: How Electronic Flash Works, 3D ads:
TDC, Da-Lite, View-Master, Brumberger, Da-Lite, View-Master, Bolex,
Stereo-Tach, Nega-File. (missing back cover) $7
3/54 ñ Tommy Thomas, 3D ads: Elgeet, Realist, TDC, Stereo-Tach, Baja,
Zephyr, Diamond, Iloca II, (missing back cover). $6
4/54 ñ L.B. dunnigan, 3D ads: Elgeet, Realist, Brumberger, TDC,
View-Master, Zephyr, Bolex, Compco, Stereo-Tach. $8
5/54 ñ L.B. dunnigan, 3D ads: TDC, realist, Baja, Compco, Stereo-Tach.
7/54 ñ Tommy Thomas, 3D ads: Kindar, Edixa, TDC, Edixa, Realist,
Wollensak, Stereo-Tach, Lampco, Iloca Stereo II, Contax Beamsplitter,
Stereolusions. $9
11/54 ñ Tommy Thomas (How to Mount Your Stereo Slides, part III),
Articles: Review of the New Kodak Stereo camera, 3D ads: Windsor Stereo
Camera, Baja Slide Consolettes, TDC, Realist, Stereo-Tach, Realist, TDC,
Compco, View-Master, Iloca, Guild, Haneel. $16
2/55 ñ Tommy Thomas, 3D ads: Stereo-Tach, TDC, Realist, Kodak,
View-Master model D, Revere, Compco-Triad, Lampco viewers,
Stereo-Daptor, Stereo 50, 3D Art Service, Victor Specialties, Stand-Out
Products. $13
8/55 ñ Tommy Thomas (How to Take Ultra Close-ups w/out Special
Attachments), Articles: How Practical is the View-Master System?,
several underwater articles, 3D ads: View-Master, Edixa, TDC, Kodak,
Guild, Triad, Stereo-Tach. $15
10/55 ñ Tommy Thomas, Articles on flash and lighting, 3D ads: Contax
Stereo Attachment, Edixa Stereo IIIA, TDC 7616, Stereo-Tach, Compco,
Stereo Royal, Lutes. $6

Email your wants, and I will confirm which ones are still available.

Thanks, Tom Martin
