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[tech-3d] Re: DV and shutter glasses

  • From: L <jet_lk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [tech-3d] Re: DV and shutter glasses
  • Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 16:33:01 -0800 (PST)

Boris asked about DV editing.

Well, I actually just finished editing the DV that I
shot a year ago on my monkey trip (in japan).  I was
lucky enough to be alowed to borrow a camera, and
finally the person that lent it to me let me sit at
there house and use the editing software/hardware.

I didn't shoot it in 3-D, since I shot quite a bit of
3-D stills (you can see them at, and I didn't want to buy
3-D video set up just for this trip.

The quallity of the video is stunning!  I will
probably have some mpgs available for download on my
web site within the next few weeks (obviously at less
quallity than would be on tape).
There are some great cameras out there for around
$1.3K each.  But I really think that the bottom line
is that if you are using a 2 camera set up and you
will need to buy a new computer and all other hardware
you are not going to be able to get a quallity set-up
(and why do it and spend a ton of money, but skimp a
bit, then end up with a not-so-great set-up) for much
less than $7K.  I guess if you were sure that you had
a way to make money with the finished tapes, or you
had lots of extra cash hanging around then go for it.

Now is a better time than ever has been to do such a
set up though.  If you had a 2 camera set up years ago
you would have needed lots of hardware to sync them up
and also hardware to "interleave" the 2 tapes into
one.  Now the sync can be easy because most, if not
all miniDV cameras have built in timecode (I would
check to make sure before buying any camera just in
case).  And, you could create a filter in Adobe
Premier or another computer editing program to
"interleave" the video.

Now if you throw in a viewing screen (or video
projector) that will take the interleaven video and
show it in a way that allows viewing with a pair of
polarized glasses, add another $2k to tens of
thousands of dollars more to your total cost.

Don't get me wrong, I would be happy to take a look at
your first finished video, but I just think this is
such a major undertaking that it should only be done
with a full understanding of what you are getting

Also since it sounds like you have never done any
digital video editing, it is important for you to know
that there can be a steep learning curve on the first
project.  I know that you have other computer graphics
experience, but it is A LOT different to work with


> This list has seen discussion of shutter glasses for
> use with frame
> alternate / interlaced NTSC video, and for use with
> digital stills on a
> computer.  But what about digital video (and HD
> video)?
> If you want to build yourself a system to take and
> edit 3d video, and to
> demonstrate same on the editing workstation itself,
> what system components
> are needed?  Please make recommendations off list if
> they become too
> technical!
> I picture twin DV cams (frame mode capable) for
> taking the video, twin
> processor Pentium with video capture card + editing
> software, humongous
> hard drive array, high refresh rate video display
> card, shutter glass
> system (ideally a shutter screen, where audience of
> several persons can use
> simple polarized glasses), etc.  DVD-RAM drive for
> cutting demo disks...
> I've not even dealt with plain old DV yet, and am
> fantasizing about jumping
> right in with BOTH eyes!  Does anyone on list do
> this stuff, and are you
> willing to share your secrets?
> Boris
> P.S. although a Mac devotee, I have a sneaking
> suspicion that with shutter
> glasses involved, I am better off with a Pentium
> box...
> Boris Starosta, stereoscopist        
> boris@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Dynamic Symmetry, LLC                
> usa - 804 979 3930                   
> Currently showing at The Observatory. Info:
> ...3dshowcase/technobot.html

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