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Re: Forget 360.

brian, here's what. since i had limited experience with the almost -360 degree cirama on a job for the usis i used this knowledge three years later in asking charles to have a go a panoramic camera.while the first lens was 35mm fl for mamiya whatzit there was a valid reason. i'll explain that if you ask. i said that i wanted option of more than 360 not that i favor this amount in photograph. i do agree it's at best a stunt. keep in mind that at the time i was working for print and audio visual. are you with me. with the cirama ya hadda be an onsite designer/ artdirector. i can tell ya a couple reasons. it could be further solved with cirama by taking two exposures with 180 degree diff start points. camera was p.i.a to load and time was money on location. the read in romance language countries is left to right. okeh? with the cirama i hadda plan end useage of how much of the turn applied in this order.wouldn't it be neat if we could
use same film turn for wraparound cover or inside across two pages or less. you can best
understand this by taking a look at the more than 360 pans of steve morton posted just recently.crop to right of left of these without
repeating and you got the the case of the hulcherama i wanted to this to support page designers, my heroes incidentally, because they make this work.
additionally, i could make less than 360 degree pans and i could reposition hulchera
to control amount and length of neg...this is panoramic photography for money and against my next seminar in the greyhound bus station in a town near you i shall tell you about bloomingdale furniture
dept advt. i have no website but i suppose i could reference some published stuff. but look at morton's creative pans. salute!

"Brian Walton -" wrote:

It is very easy to assume that one should shoot in wide angle for an outside panorama.  Some of the most rewarding
outside panoramas I have created are both only 220 degrees and shot in telephoto.  It gives more detail, less lens
flair and a far more interesting viewpoint.  Forget 360.  The brain hates it.

I would be interested on other comments.


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