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Christmas Bear!

  • From: wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Wier)
  • Subject: Christmas Bear!
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 00:55:48 -0600

Since I have about 5 minutes (actually more like an hour and a
half) after finishing grading my exams, I tried an experiment which
a few people here have done before.

A couple of years ago a company marketed a "collectable" Christmastime
tree ornament (rather on the expensive side) of a little bear looking
into a Holmes type stereoviewer. I've had this sitting on my monitor
and so took it down and laid it on the glass on our scanner downstairs
(twice). Then manipulated the two images via Photoshop - I had to do
a variety of things to fix color balance, rotate the image a few
degrees, drop in a frame, etc. Anyway, it turned out suprisingly
well I thought. I'm actually a bit suprised because it wasn't real
clear to me that the scanner would come up with a stereo point
of view, but it seemed to in this case. Cross eyed view.

If you want to look at it, check out the web at

or you can ftp it from the same site. It's called bears5.jpg
(transfer it in BINARY mode since it's a jpeg file). Look in
the directory pub/photo/photo-3d/images/other/bears5.jpg.

The major limitation on the image is the fact that as you get away
from the scanner glass, things tend to go fuzzy a bit...


        --------wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------
    keeper of the Photo-3d, Motorola HC11, ICOM,
Overland-Trails, LDS Genealogy State Research Outlines
                 and other stuff
"If a thing is worth doing,
           it's worth doing with a good connection."
