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S3D How to classify stamps?

>Peter Davis asked about the ebay categories... Good responses
>both here in and photo-3d.  Currently I have a very unusual
>group of items in ebay and I had hard time classifying it.

In fact, last year I sent a lengthy e-mail to E-bay asking why they did not
allow "cross-postings" between categories. Dr T's case is very typical. I
believe it would be much better if the same auction could be placed in both
"stereo images" and "stamps" categories. It is not that hard to do that, and
could be a way to get a few more cents per auction by charging extra to
people willing to do such cross-postings. A person told me this would create
opportunities for spammers, but if Ebay price the service correctly (making
it prohibitive to post for more than 3 groups), I believe it should not be a
big problem.
