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T3D Re: Stereo Philosophy (was: twins)

  • From: Mark Damish <mdamish@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: T3D Re: Stereo Philosophy (was: twins)
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:19:49 -0400

  What he's saying is: 'It's about the image and seeing'. Gear is secondary
to seeing and (developing) technique --- and I couldn't agree more.  Vision, and
to a lesser extent, technique are _the_ prominent factors in creating imagery. 
Gear won't do a thing for you if you cannot see, or are not willing to try and 
learn to see, and practice the art. Once you can see, gear will give you much more 

Art is very subjective, but using music as a collarary, I've found that
relatively few  musicians play with great deal of feeling and emotion.
It is very common for musicians to own high end equipment, sound effects 
devices which produce incredible sounds.  Many develop great technique (chops)
and play professionally, but it is a distinct minority that truly
feel emotion and translate it to sound that has significant personal meaning 
to them. 

I'm pretty sure that this is what the original author is saying.
In the 'either/or' context of this discussion, think about this: 
Given the ability to create great art that appeals to you
and perhaps others with mediocre equipment, or having great equipment that
produces mediocre unemotional images, which would you choose?

I'm not trying to bash owning high end equipment, as it will almost always
enhance the final result... ...It's just that it will never create it on it's


> >But I have a simple theory.  Equipment is secondary.  Prime photos are
> >primary.  Spend your money on going places to take photos, and on film
> >and processing.  Use any good cameras and the best used lenses that you
> >can buy.  The old Pentax threaded lenses and bodies are often an
> >exceptional value and don't even require a working meter or batteries. 
> >My experiences lead me to believe that there is a word that usually
> >applies to used automatic cameras "broken".
> I am sorry but your theories make little sense... Equipment is 
> secondary and use good cameras and the best lenses you can buy?
> If equipment is secondary, why use the best lenses (which are usually
> more expensive?)  
> Spend your money on going places and equipment is secondary?
> You can spend a lot of money going to places and then find
> that you brought the wrong equipment for the job or the place.
> Prime photos are primary?  What does that mean?
> Automatic cameras have their place in the world of photography.
> That's what I have learned from the RBT S1.  There are pictures
> that I would have not taken with a manual camera.  I am willing
> to pay for the repairs as long as this camera allows me to
> take pictures that I enjoy.
> George Themelis
