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[tech-3d] blueprint stereo

  • From: John Toeppen <toeppen@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [tech-3d] blueprint stereo
  • Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 22:24:25 -0800

I though that some P3D people might like this thread...... 

"Zyla Nuite" <prpldrgn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was messing around in the drafting room at my highschool. For a 
senior progect I'm designing and building a medium format sterio 


Peter Homer wrote:..... I seem to remember that the paper is impregnated
with the blue sensitive material so you may be able to use the back.
They are simply developed in water which washes out the blue except
where it has been exposed to light. 

and I write:

Sunprint Paper is available through "The Nature Company" and

I directed an after school project activity where we made a dozen
"Sunprint" cameras. A mailing box was modified to accept a 1" lens at
one end and had a cut viewing "trapdoor" at the other.  Midway down the
box at about 4" behind a 3" fl lens we placed a waxed paper screen in a
cardboard frame that could slide forward and back. Folded tabs on the
slider served to hold the cut pieces of sunprint paper.

Twenty minutes or longer was required to get the best images.  The
prototypes were fun to make, the cameras were easy, used bu the kids,
shared with others.

The stereo version would be more interesting.  Not just because of the
septum or that it is stereo.  And one need not have the view screen. One
of the things that would make the stereo version more fun would be using
the camera as the viewer after the shoot.

John Toeppen

link page to large hyper stereo image of Sierra lakes:

image pages - STEREO JET release!

personal home page

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