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T3D Not Black OR White, please...

  • From: fj834@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. George A. Themelis)
  • Subject: T3D Not Black OR White, please...
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 16:05:14 -0400 (EDT)

Perhaps we should take this in P3D... Anyway...

>You must know some people that take poor photos with great equipment. 

Sure!  And I also know a lot of people who take great pictures with great
equipment and too many people who take poor pictures with poor equipment.

You are saying (indirectly, of course):  Automatic cameras break while
manual cameras don't.  EITHER spend money on equipment OR on travel. 
EITHER equipment OR film.  

Hey, I have news for you:  Life is not BLACK or WHITE.  There are all
shades of gray.  Automatic cameras are useful for many people.  Manual
cameras break too.  Better cameras are better tools and many people can
take better pictures with them.  Many dedicated photographers can afford to
have good equipment and travel and take plenty of pictures.

Your example of the guy who got stuck in China without batteries
demonstrates my point that equipment are important.  So this guy spent a
lot of money to go to China but he did not pay attention to equipment (and
batteries are part of the equipment) and now he is stuck.  

On the other hand, I had not one but TWO Realists malfunction on a trip to
Greece.   The shutter in one was stuck open and the other was not advancing
properly.  I did not realize I had a problem until I came back and
developed the films. 

They say "film is cheap".  I shot 120 rolls last year and spent over $2000
for film, processing and mounting.  That's the price of 15 Realists or 2/3
RBTs :-)  In 5 years my film expenses will equal 75 Realists or 3 RBTs. 
Traveling expenses?  You don't want to know!  Why should I pour thousands
of dollars on film and travel and deny myself a better set of tools? 

Will better equipment make you happier?  I will not talk about myself...
but look at Dave Kesner.  I have been watching him develop since he
appeared in the scene a few years ago.  At first it was a Japanese OWLA
semi-junk.  Then came a Realist 3.5.  Then a 2.8.  Then an RBT X3 with a
macro attachment.  Is he happy now?  You bet!!!  Has his photography
improved?  Oh yeah!!!  (I just cannot believe the great images he is
pulling with his new tools).  Was it easy for him?  Of course not.  He
mortgaged his house... Put his children on peanut butter sandwich diet. 
But he managed to survive.  He is very serious and proud of his photography
and I am very proud of him. 

So, you are happy with your Nikormats, I am happy with my S1, Dr Dave is
happy with his X3.  End of story, I guess...

George Themelis
