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[tech-3d] Re: Terms and Definitions, ISU glossary

  • From: abram.klooswyk@xxxxxx
  • Subject: [tech-3d] Re: Terms and Definitions, ISU glossary
  • Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 13:03:10 -0000

Ray Zone responding to Chuck: 
>I hope this is an attempt at humor 
and then: 
>Abram Klooswyk is one of the most ... etc. 
Of course also an attempt at humor. Will Ray, Bruce and Gabriel
please stop discussing me and stick to 3D subjects ? :-)

John Toeppen 
>Some people are just hypersensitive. 

If you refer to my original post which criticized the use of 
"orthoscopic" other than as opposed to pseudoscopic - I just 
wanted to draw attention to the fact. But I don't deny some 
sensitivity to possible confusion of stereoterms :-).
I am in favor of some standardized nomenclature in 
stereoscopy, but I have since long lost the illusion that it 
will be used. I will just now and then point at possible 

John Toeppen:
>(...) a cheap trick to encourage membership

As a matter of fact I have asked Don Wratten, who was the 
final editor of the ISU (International Stereoscopic Union) 
glossary, at an early stage if the glossary could be put 
online in the ISU section of Alexander Klein's site Recently (mid januari 2001) there has been an 
exchange of emails between him and ISU executive committee 
members on this topic. I hope Judy Fentress doesn't mind that 
I quote the following from her email:

>>My feelings on putting the fantastic 3D Glossary on the web 
for free is that we should not give such hard earned 
information away for free.  Is there a way we could mention it 
on the ISU Web page (and other club web pages if desired) that 
it is available from the ISU by requesting a back issue of the 
Sept. Stereoscopy at a charge of US$ 5.00 plus postage.  It 
could also be an inspiration to join the ISU. <<

>>We had quite a few new members join because they wanted to get 
the full set of articles written by Allan Griffin last year.  
They became members as well as ordered the back issues they 
wanted to complete the set.  I found this to be very good for 
the ISU.  If we could present the Glossary as something 
special (which it is!) from the ISU as an International Club, 
it could be a very good way to get new members as well as give 
them something the want. <<

This confirms in a way what John Toeppen wrote, although 
"cheap trick" isn't what I would call it. 

I still believe that putting the glossary online is what the 
ISU should do in the end , if the purpose is to promote less 
confused terminology, but I accept that for the time being 
selling the glossary is best for the ISU. If Judy says so it 
must be true, she has done so much during many years for 
the ISU (no humor intended this time).

Abram Klooswyk 

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